Wednesday 22 July 2015

Day 1 Complete!

Sorry for the delay in posting this, running around for buses and getting the rental limited my time for posting this.

Day 1: 0km

I flew into Dublin from St. John's Newfounland overnight. We arrived in around 6am so there wasn't much to do, but the city was very quiet and I couldn't check in to Phoenix Park until 2-3pm so I wandered the city. Stopped into the Dublin Castle and waiting for restaurants to open and started the day with a traditional Irish breakfast (unknowingly had an American flag draped behind me).

Once things opened I went to the Guinness Storehouse and went on a brewery tour, finishing off the experience with an Original at the gravity bar atop the brewery, pretty amazing views there.

When I was able to check in, I took a few hours to rest and then headed out with some new friends. Caroline and Megan, as well as their friend Ashley were kind enough to let me join them for dinner and drinks for the evening, it was great meeting them (they had been on my flight and I had run into them at Guinness as well) and as much as I don't mind travelling alone, it was nice to eat and enjoy the city with such great people.

A great day all things said and done, Dublin is a wonderful place, the people are friendly and the city is really easy to navigate I used public transport a map and asking around and it was quite easy to get to where you wanted to go. No Km's on the bike today, tomorrow I will be picking up the motorcycle!

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