Thursday 30 July 2015

Day 10: Dublin -> St. John's Newfoundland (nope) -> Deer Lake (sort of) -> Toronto (okay?) -> Halifax

The trip home was an interesting one, due to weather we were not able to land on the east coast and landed in Deer Lake to fuel up, there was an arrest there as a lady tried to get off the plane, and then we headed to Toronto. I had a middle seat, which I usually don't enjoy but I had two of the best seat mates I've flown with in Suzanne (an employee for WestJet, and Jodi (a girl from Ireland going to see her brother in Edmonton. All of us stuck together in Toronto until we all had our rerouted flights sorted out, it was a long haul back home but I am glad to have my own bed, and MAY have gotten in some poutine before getting home. A big thank you to Phillip for picking me up at the airport as well I'm sure my tired sporadic stories and poor smell made for a challenging drive.

Ireland is a wonderful country. I'll say it is easily the best place I have ever been. The sights initially get you, but its the people, the culture, the history that keep you there and make you realize what a special place it is. I will be coming back I thought this several times driving through how there was still so much to learn and experience, and that the landscape and the people of Ireland provide a sense of home when you're there. It has everything to offer, and will always be a special place to me. One thing that struck me was when I was back in Dublin. I was trying to find a pub. There was a gentleman running and I quickly just asked if he knew where it was. He stopped, got out his phone, looked it up, as he was unsure. He asked me about my trip, what I saw, about the fundraiser, about other places to see in Dublin. His name was Rob. But Rob's were everywhere. It is shocking how thoughtful and selfless people are here. The drivers are pleasant, they stop on yellow, they don't use their horn to be asses, they are courteous and always want the best for the other person, it is a wonderful country.

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